Monday, March 31, 2025

Coach / Runner

Pat O the coach: i love xc course strategy. figuring out the best way to run a particular course is vital to the runner! Pat O the runner: getting used to running early in the morning is getting easier especially with this great weather!

Pat O

Pat O the coach: finally bought a metric wheel. measured cc training courses at Kezer Field @ Pine Bank Park in Melrose. Pat O the runner: 6th place out of 380 runners at Kerouac 5k in Lowell. 1st place age category 30-39! 18:04 in the rain.


LTR is now on Facebook!

Eddie Izzard

For those that are a fan of the brilliant British comedian Eddie Izzard, he is running 30 marathons in 36 days as a fund raiser for Comic Relief combating against homelessness and families effected. Visit for details and routes. Join the live blog!


5 miler in Attleboro was a disaster of a morning weather wise. 100% humidity and 91 degrees by 9am, race start time. Everyone, including myself was waaayyyyyy off. ran 33 minutes and got 18th out of 150! Saunders 10k was a different story this evening. The weather became less oppressive with 80 degrees at 6pm, […]


LTR athletes had a sweep of the races 2 Thursday nite’s fun run in Woburn. Todd Cushing of Plymouth won the youth race (.8 miles) and Dave Soares of Woburn won the adult race (2.5 miles). Congrats!!!

LTR Appearance

All of this running in 110% humidity over the past two weeks made today’s workout easy as pie. No humidity. Cool dry air! LTR will be at the Falmouth Road Race this weekend!

Running Shoes

I wore-tested a pair of Newton running shoes today. Short run; no issues. I did feel that my proper mechanics and foot placement were accentuated. Anyone else have any thoughts on these shoes?

Summer Time Blues

Is anyone else feeling tired and sluggish in this New England summer weather?

Racing Tips

Want a great way to find a race?!

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